AIのバイアス特定・管理のための標準化に向けて(3/3)NIST Special Publication 1270

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弊社では米国国立標準技術研究所(NIST)の許可を得て、2022年3月に発表された報告書 “ NIST Special Publication 1270: Towards a Standard for Identifying and Managing Bias in Artificial IntelligenceAIのバイアスの特定と管理のための標準化に向けて」について、そのキーポイントと思われるところを抜粋し邦訳の上、3回に分けてブログで公開することと致しました。今回はその最終回です。



Translated with permission courtesy of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), not an official US Government translation. All rights reserved, US Secretary of Commerce.

【NIST Special Publication 1270の構成】


Executive Summary

  1. Purpose and Scope 目的とスコープ
  2. AI Bias: Context and Terminology AIバイアスの類型化
  3. AI Bias: Challenges and Guidance AIバイアス:課題と指針
  4. Conclusions 結論
  5. Glossary


3.2 How do we know what is right? TEVV Considerations for AI Bias

何が正しいかが、どうすればわかるのか?AIバイアスのTEVV(Testing Evaluation Validation Verification)考察

3.2.1 TEVV Challenges

TEVV(Test, Evaluation, Validation, and Verification)の課題

Even the algorithm itself relies on data for training and performance tuning, which in turn can be assessed by a fairness metric. Therefore, when we consider the computational approaches to mitigating bias, we must take into consideration these three components together: algorithms, data, and fairness metrics.


AI systems regularly model concepts that are — at best — only partially observable or capturable by data. Without direct measures for these highly complex considerations, AI development teams use proxies, which can create many risks [150].


Epistemic and aleatoric uncertainty Epistemic 並びに Aleatoricな不確実性

ML distinguishes two types of predictive uncertainty: EPISTEMIC and ALEATORIC [152].


While epistemic uncertainty can be reduced by increasing the amount of representative training data, it cannot be fully eliminated. This can impact the behavior of a deep learning system in deployment when used with real-world data, especially when there is a mismatch in the distributions of the real and training data [103]. This can lead to undesirable effects on many of the AI system’s critical attributes (e.g., robustness, resilience), including inducing harmful bias.

Epistemicな不確実性(訳注: モデルの不確実性のうち、学習すれば改善するもの)は、代表的な学習データの量を増やすことで低減することができますが、完全に排除することはできません。これは、実データを使ったデプロイメントステージにおいて、深層学習システムの挙動に影響を与える可能性があります。特に実データと学習データの分布に不一致がある場合が問題です[103]。この結果、AIシステムの重要な特性(例えば、ロバスト性、レジリエンス)に対し、有害なバイアスの顕在化を含む、望ましくない影響を与える可能性があります。

Another inherent type of uncertainty associated with machine learning is ALEATORIC. It represents the uncertainty inherent in the data, e.g., the uncertainty in the label assigning process of the training dataset. Aleatoric uncertainty is the irreducible part of the predictive uncertainty.

機械学習に固有のもう一つの不確実性は、Aleatoric な不確実性(訳注:環境等ランダムな事象が原因で発生する不確実性、学習だけでは改善しないもの)です。これはデータそのものに内在する不確実性、例えば、学習データセットのラベル付与過程における不確実性です。Aleatoricな不確実性は、予測の不確実性のうち、軽減することが難しい不確実性です。

​​Processes プロセス

The software designers and data scientists working in design and development are often highly focused on system performance and optimization. This focus can inadvertently be a source of bias in AI systems. For example, during model development and selection, modelers will almost always select the most accurate models. Yet, as Forde et al describe in their paper, [167] selecting models based solely on accuracy is not necessarily the best approach for bias reduction.


Furthermore, the choice of the model’s objective function, upon which a model’s definition of accuracy is based, can reflect bias. Not taking context into consideration during model selection can lead to biased results for sub-populations (for example, disparities in health care delivery).


Relatedly, systems that are designed to use aggregated data about groups to make predictions about individual behavior — a practice initially meant to be a remedy for non-representative datasets[18] — can lead to biased outcomes. This bias, known as ECOLOGICAL FALLACY, occurs when an inference is made about an individual based on their membership within a group (for example, predicting college performance risk based on an individual’s race [52]).

また、集団について集約されたデータを用いて個人の行動を予測するように設計されたシステムは(もともとは、少数の非代表的なデータセット[18]に対する救済措置として意図されていたものであっても)、偏った結果をもたらす可能性があります。このバイアスはECOLOGICAL FALLACYとして知られ、グループ属性に基づいて個人に対する推論を行う時に発生します(例えば、個人の人種に基づいて大学の成績予測する場合のリスクなど[52])。

Algorithmic effects アルゴリズムによる影響

Simple models with fewer parameters are often used because they tend to be less expensive to build, more explainable and more transparent, and easier to implement. However, such models can exacerbate statistical biases because restrictive assumptions on the training data often do not hold with nuanced demographics.


Furthermore, designers who must make decisions on what variables to include or exclude can impart their own cognitive biases into the model [112, 184].

さらに、どの変数を含めるか、あるいは除外するかを決定するモデルの設計者自身の認知バイアスが、モデルにバイアスをもたらす可能性があります[112, 184]。

Complex models are often used on nonlinear, multimodal data such as text and images. Such models may capture latent systemic bias in ways that are difficult to recognize and predict.


Validity 妥当性

Many difficulties and flaws can arise in system validation. A common challenge in system testing is a lack of ground truth, or noisy labeling and other annotation factors which make it difficult to know what is accurate.


The use of proxy variables compounds this difficulty, since what is being measured isn’t directly observable. Performing system tests under optimal conditions — or conditions that are not close to the deployed state — is another challenging design flaw.


Also the practice of “stratified performance evaluations,” [103] where system performance is analyzed across segments in the training or test data, whether demographic segments or otherwise, is a basic consideration for understanding system validity across a population of users.


Validation and deployment バリデーションとデプロイメント

Validation also means ensuring that the system is not being used in unintended ways.


DEPLOYMENT BIAS happens when an AI model is used in ways not intended by developers.


Emergent bias happens where the model is used in unanticipated contexts.


Developers of an algorithm used by major U.S. cities to assist in coordinating housing to homeless people began phasing it out after several cities inappropriately used the algorithm as an assessment tool rather than as the presecreening tool as it was designed[185].


In another instance, the Chicago Police Department decommissioned an algorithm designed to predict the risk that an individual might be involved in future gun violence, citing unintended use and misapplication of the model [186].


Without system validation, an AI system could be released that is technically flawed or fails to establish appropriate underlying mechanisms for proper functioning [188–190].

システム検証が行われなければ、技術的に欠陥のある、あるいは正しく機能するための適切な基礎的メカニズムを確立できないまま、AIシステムがリリースされてしまう可能性があります [188–190]。

AI systems as magic 魔法のようなAIシステム

High-level machine learning libraries and reduced costs of cloud computing have made AI more affordable and easier to develop. As a result, AI development is becoming increasingly democratized. Still, AI itself remains largely opaque — deep neural networks and Bayesian inference require advanced mathematics to understand.


3.2.2 TEVV Guidance

TEVV(Test, Evaluation, Validation, and Verification)ガイダンス

To mitigate the risks stemming from epistemic and aleatoric uncertainties, model developers should work closely with the organizations deploying them. Teams should work to ensure periodic model updates, and test and recalibrate model parameters on updated representative datasets to meet the business objectives while staying within desired performance targets and acceptable levels of bias.


Algorithms アルゴリズム

In ML, it is not meaningful to assign bias to the model or algorithm itself without contextual information about the specific tasks on which they may be used. This links the model and algorithm to the dataset on which they are trained and tested


When considering approaches to mitigating algorithmic bias in a specific task context, recent literature categorizes debiasing methods into one of three categories [62, 86, 195, 198]:

特定のタスクのコンテキストにおいてアルゴリズムのバイアスを軽減するアプローチを検討する場合、 最近の文献では、その手法を以下3つのカテゴリに分類しています [62, 86, 195, 198]。

1. Pre-processing:

transforming the data so that the underlying discrimination is mitigated. This method can be used if a modeling pipeline is allowed to modify the training data.


2. In-processing:

techniques that modify the algorithms in order to mitigate bias during model training. Model training processes could incorporate changes to the objective (cost) function or impose a new optimization constraint.


3. Post-processing:

typically performed with the help of a holdout dataset (data not used in the training of the model). Here, the learned model is treated as a black box and its predictions are altered by a function during the post-processing phase. The function is deduced from the performance of the black box model on the holdout dataset. This technique may be useful in adapting a pre-trained large language model to a dataset and task of interest.


Fairness metrics フェアネス(公平性)メトリクス

The plethora of fairness metric definitions illustrates that fairness cannot be reduced to a concise mathematical definition. Fairness is dynamic, social in nature, application and context specific, and not just an abstract or universal statistical problem. Therefore, it is important to adopt a socio-technical approach to fairness in order to have realistic fairness definitions for different contexts as well as task-specific datasets for machine learning model development and evaluation.


3.3 Who makes decisions and how do they make them? Human Factors in AI Bias


3.3.1 Human Factors Challenges 人的要因の課題

Computational decision support systems augment another, typically human, system in making decisions.


Comparatively, for algorithmic decision systems there is less human involvement, with the AI system itself more in the “driver’s seat,” and able to produce outcomes with little human involvement to govern the impact.


Organizations that deploy AI models and systems without assessing and managing these risks can not only harm their users but jeopardize their reputations.


Deployment Context of Use デプロイメント時の使用環境

AI systems are designed and developed to be used in specific real world settings, but are often tested in idealized scenarios. Once deployed, the original intent, idea, or impact assessment can drift as the application is repurposed or used in unforeseen ways, and in settings or contexts for which it was not originally intended. Different deployment contexts means a new set of risks to be considered.


Human-in-the-loop ヒューマンインザループ

The default assumption is that placing a human “in-the-loop” of such systems can ensure that adverse events do not occur. Current perceptions about the role and responsibility of the human-in-the-loop with AI are often implicit, and expectations about level of performance for these systems are often based on untested or outdated hypotheses.


The reality however is that without significant procedural and cultural support, optimistic expectations about how humans are able to serve in this administrative capacity are not borne out in practice.


Reliance on various downstream professionals to act as a governor on automated processes in complex societal systems is not a viable approach


3.3.2 Human Factors Guidance 人的要因に関わるガイダンス

Human–AI configuration 人間とAIを絡めたシステム設計

NIST seeks to develop formal guidance about how to implement human-in-the-loop processes that do not amplify or perpetuate the many human, systemic and computational biases that can degrade outcomes in this complex setting. Identifying system configurations and necessary qualifications for their components that result in outcomes that are accurate and trustworthy will be a key focus.


Keeping humans at the center of AI design AI設計の中心に人間を据える

Human-centered design (HCD) is an approach to the design and development of a system or technology that aims to improve the ability of users to effectively and efficiently use a product.


A deep understanding of contextual factors is important throughout the AI life- cycle. Context of use does not simply involve the users’ context of use, it involves a much broader view of context: the organizational environment in which the AI system is being developed (including existing systems and products); the operational environment in which the system will be used; and the larger societal environment in which the system will be implemented.


In the context of AI, this means placing humans in the loop, not only through meaningful human control [256], but also through their active participation in the preparation, learning, and decision-making phases of AI [257].” Human-centered AI (HCAI) is an emerging area of scholarship that reconceptualizes HCD in the context of AI, providing human-centered AI design metaphors and suggested governance structures to develop reliable, safe, and trustworthy AI systems [258].


3.4 How do we manage and provide oversight? Governance and AI Bias どうやって管理・監視を行うか?ガバナンスとAIバイアス

3.4.1 Governance Guidance ガバナンスガイダンス

Monitoring モニタリング

AI systems may perform differently than expected once deployed, which can lead to differential treatment of individuals from different groups. A key measure to control this risk is to deploy additional systems that monitor for potential bias issues, which can alert the proper personnel when potential problems are detected.


Without such monitoring in place, it can be difficult to know if deployed system performance in the real world matches up to the measurements conducted in a laboratory environment, or whether newly collected data match the distribution of the training data.


A key consideration for the success of live monitoring for bias is the collection of data from the active user population, especially data related to user demographics such as age and gender, to enable calculation of assessment measures. These type of data can have a variety of privacy implications and may be subject to legal restrictions on what types of data can be collected and under what conditions.


Policies and Procedures ポリシーと手順の文書化

In the context of AI systems, ensuring that written policies and procedures address key roles, responsibilities, and processes at all stages of the AI model lifecycle is critical to managing and detecting potential overall issues of AI system performance.20 Policies and procedures can enable consistent development and testing practices, which in turn can help to ensure that results from AI systems are repeatable and that related risks are consistently mapped, measured and managed. Without such policies, the management of AI bias can easily become subjective and inconsistent across organizations, which can exacerbate risks over time rather than minimize them — if, for example, irreconcilably different metrics are used across systems.

AI システムの性能に関わる潜在的な問題を一括して管理し検出するためには、AI モデルの全てのライフサイクルステージにおいて、役割、責任、およびプロセスに対応するポリシーと手順を文書化することが、極めて重要です20。ポリシーと手順を定めることで、首尾一貫した開発およびテストを実施することが可能になり、それによって、AI システムからの結果の再現性が保証され、関連するリスクを齟齬無くマッピング、測定、管理することが可能になります。このようなポリシーがなければ、AI バイアスの管理は、組織間で主観的で一貫性のないものになりやすく、例えば、異なる基準を元にAIシステムの性能測定を行った場合、リスクを最小限に抑えるどころか、長期的にリスクを悪化させる可能性があります。

Accountability アカウンタビリティ(説明責任)

Accountability plays a critical role in governance efforts [261]. Governance without accountability is, in practice, unlikely to be effective. Ensuring that a specific team, and often, a specific individual — such as a Chief Model Risk Officer, as is now common in large consumer finance organizations — is responsible for bias management in AI systems is a fundamental accountability mechanism.22


Accountability for AI bias cannot lie on the shoulders of a single individual, which is why accountability mandates should also be embedded within and across the various teams involved in the training and deployment of AI systems.


Model or algorithmic audits [264] can be used to assess and document such crucial accountability considerations. There are several notions of audits commonly discussed in the responsible and trustworthy AI communities. Audit may refer to a traditional internal audit function employed to track issues of model risk, as in traditional model governance. Audit may refer to a structured and principled application of lessons learned in financial audit practices to AI systems [265]. Alternatively, audit may refer to some general documentation and transparency approach. Audits can be an effective accountability, bias, and general risk mitigation mechanism.

モデル監査やアルゴリズム監査 [264] は、このような重要な説明責任の検討事項を評価し、文書化するために有効です。責任ある信頼できるAIコミュニティでよく議論される監査には、いくつかの概念があります。監査は、従来のモデルガバナンスのように、モデルリスクの問題を追跡するために採用された伝統的な内部監査機能を指す場合があります。監査は、財務監査実務で学んだ教訓をAIシステムに構造的かつ原則的に適用することを指すかもしれません[265]。あるいは、監査は、何らかの一般的な文書化及び透明性のアプローチを指すかもしれません。監査は、効果的な説明責任、バイアス、及び一般的なリスク軽減のメカニズムになり得ます。

Three lines of defense スリーライン・オブ・ディフェンス

Model risk management frameworks, for example, are often systematically implemented through the so-called “three lines of defense,” which creates separate teams that are held accountable for different aspects of the model lifecycle. Typically, the first line of defense focuses on model development, the second on risk management, and the third on auditing.[24]


Information Sharing 情報の共有

Identifying internal mechanisms for teams to share information about bias incidents or other harmful impacts from AI helps to elevate the importance of AI risks and provides information for teams to avoid past failed designs.


As teams begin to create norms for tracking such incidents, it can potentially transform AI practices and the organizational culture. Improving awareness of how bias presents in deployed AI and its related impacts can enhance knowledge and capabilities, and prevent incidents. Fostering a culture of information sharing can also serve as a new area for community engagement.

チームがこのようなインシデントを追跡するための規範を作り始めることで、AIの実践と組織文化を変革できる可能性があります。デプロイされた AI にどのようなバイアスが見られるか、またそれに関連する影響についての認識を高めることで、知識と能力を高め、インシデントを防止することができます。また、情報共有の文化を醸成することで、コミュニティへの新たなエンゲージメントの場となります。

4. Conclusions 結論

NIST has provided an initial socio-technical framing for AI bias in this document, including key context and terminology, highlights of the main challenges, and foundational directions for future guidance. This information is classified and discussed through the document according to three key areas:


  1. dataset availability, representativeness, and suitability in socio-technical contexts;


2. TEVV considerations for measurement and metrics to support testing and evaluation;

テストと評価を支援するための測定と測定基準に関する TEVV の検討。

3. human factors, including societal and historic biases within individuals and organizations, participatory approaches such as human-centered design, and human–in–the– loop practices.


The intent is for this guidance to be of specific assistance for organizations who commission, design, develop, deploy, use, or evaluate AI for a variety of use cases. By providing these entities with clear, explicit, and technically valid guidance NIST intends to improve the state of practice for AI bias and assure system trustworthiness.



株式会社Citadel AI では、開発から運用に至る全てのAIのライフサイクルステージにおいて、AIの異常を瞬時に自動検知・防御するシステムを提供しています。
ご意見・ご要望は、info@citadel-ai.com までお知らせください。



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